Useful Account Analysis at the tap of a finger
Portfolio Visualizer, a free tool, provides in-depth investment analysis and statistics in an easy-to-understand format.

In-depth investment statistics in an easy-to-understand format

View your historical balance
Get a quick overview of your total deposits, withdrawals, fees and profit/loss. With Portfolio Visualizer, visualise how your portfolio has grown over time.

Monitor your portfolio’s performance
Empower yourself to make smarter investment decisions with data-driven analysis of your portfolio.

Every single cent is accounted for
Get full transparency on your investment including fees paid per asset.

Diversify your assets
Manage risk effectively and get insights into the weighting of your portfolio with a percentage breakdown of your assets.

View your historical balance
Get a quick overview of your total deposits, withdrawals, fees and profit/loss. With Portfolio Visualizer, visualise how your portfolio has grown over time.
Monitor your portfolio’s performance
Empower yourself to make smarter investment decisions with data-driven analysis of your portfolio.
Every single cent is accounted for
Get full transparency on your investment including fees paid per asset.
Diversify your assets
Manage risk effectively and get insights into the weighting of your portfolio with a percentage breakdown of your assets.
Access Portfolio Visualizer for free in the SwissBorg app
Get a compound yield that is optimised and paid out daily on your favourite cryptos like BTC, ETH, USDC and more.
Estimate earnings