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Premium Members Vote: Results and Promise

Token voting result
Setareh Sabety Wordsmith

Setareh Sabety


Ever since our first Referendum on the Blockchain, we’ve been striving to provide our Community opportunities to share their feedback and help us plan, together, our development at SwissBorg.

On 28th October 2021, we opened the vote on our next token listing to Community and Genesis Premium members. This was our way of showing respect towards their valuable support and acknowledging the premium members' importance to the SwissBorg project. 

The enthusiasm with which the community responded to the call to vote (on very short notice) has been inspirational and motivating.  

4921 or 20.0% of all premium members participated. Even more than in our first referendum on the Blockchain with 4240! 

Of those who participated, 3498 were Community Premium members, while 1423 were Genesis Premium members. So 18.4% of all Community Premiums and 25.4% of all Genesis Premiums participated. 

The charts below show that the two different tiers of Premium share the same tastes and almost voted identically. We can also see that the gaming sector’s UOS got the most votes. Metaverse Gaming tokens met a success that reflects the current trend in the crypto space, with Mana as second and Sandbox close to the top.

SHIB, the meme coin, came in second place after the Gaming Metaverse tokens. Genesis Premium members voted more for the meme coin than Community Premiums. The difference in percentage between the two cohorts makes the weighted vote calculations almost mirror that of the two cohorts.

Participation stats
Participation stats
Participation stats
UOS (Gaming/Metaverse) 25.9%MANA (Gaming/Metaverse) 14.0%SHIB (Meme coin) 13.7%FTT (Exchange Token) 9.5%SAND (Gaming/Metaverse) 8.4%VRA (Gaming/Metaverse) 7.5%SUSHI (DeFi) 7.2%AXS (Gaming/Metaverse) 6.0%QNT (Platform) 4.3%MkR (DeFi) 3.6%
Weighted Vote
UOS (Gaming/Metaverse) 25.3%MANA (Gaming/Metaverse) 13.9%SHIB (Meme coin) 13.2%FTT (Exchange Token) 9.4%SAND (Gaming/Metaverse) 9.0%VRA (Gaming/Metaverse) 7.8%SUSHI (DeFi) 7.1%AXS (Gaming/Metaverse) 6.6%QNT (Platform) 4.2%MkR (DeFi) 3.6%
Community Premium
UOS (Gaming/Metaverse) 26.1%MANA (Gaming/Metaverse) 14.1%SHIB (Meme coin) 14.0%FTT (Exchange Token) 9.6%SAND (Gaming/Metaverse) 8.2%VRA (Gaming/Metaverse) 7.4%SUSHI (DeFi) 7.2%AXS (Gaming/Metaverse) 5.6%QNT (Platform) 4.3%MkR (DeFi) 3.6%
Genesis Premium
UOS (Gaming/Metaverse) 25.8%MANA (Gaming/Metaverse) 13.9%SHIB (Meme coin) 13.9%FTT (Exchange Token) 9.5%SAND (Gaming/Metaverse) 8.4%VRA (Gaming / Metaverse) 7.5%SUSHI (DeFi) 7.2%AXS (Gaming/Metaverse) 6.0%QNT (Platform) 4.3%MkR (DeFi) 3.6%
Sum Of Weights

The voting campaign revealed several truths that give us hope for the future of the SwissBorg project and ecosystem. One is that our community is on the same page. Regardless of the status of wealth or when they joined SwissBorg, they seem to agree on the tokens they’d like listed. Two, a good chunk of our community is engaged with our project and our future. Three, but most importantly, the quick ability to reach and gauge our community’s swarm intelligence will make our project and our choices smarter. 

This vote will be taken into consideration when planning our roadmap. If you missed your chance to vote this time, don’t worry. We’re just getting started! There will be more opportunities to help us build the future.

Join Premium today.

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